It's all over. Containers packed in 3 hours with great team effort.
Team GBR celebrate a gold medal, best performing nation, youth girls prize, 4 open boats in the top 10. Congratulations to Anabelle an Megan ladies champions and to the home nation boys. How are we going to get all the trophies on the plane? Now it's party time. Shirts have been swapped mainly with Argentinians, Italians and Germans. BBQ and beer and now the disco. Let's hope I don't have to wait up too late!
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Last Launch
Its 13:00 and after an AP lasting 1 hour they have launched. When we arrived at the club it was drizzel and 6kts but as the rain stopped so did the wind.
The sailors amused themselves playing international basket ball with water bottles.
Now though the clouds have lifted and the breeze is back - let's hope it stays.
.....more soon
The sailors amused themselves playing international basket ball with water bottles.
Now though the clouds have lifted and the breeze is back - let's hope it stays.
.....more soon
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
All the team got home before the rain except Carla who had to stay for Nino's team leader briefing which was about the new 420 download produced by the GRE Nikos Drougkas , the number of mast breakages and black flags
Jonny now tells me that the coach on Neil's boat was the sailor from URU ( nothing to do with ECU) who could not afford another mast to continue his regatta but he is a coach. He was full of useful local knowedge.
Wind was 10-12 knots but increased to 14-15knots and was in its usual direction. Tide was pushing up the course which explains the BFD's . We had an ok day with little damage.. pity poor Ricardo ITA had two BFD's , one OCS and two protests and he only has eight boats here .
Jonny now tells me that the coach on Neil's boat was the sailor from URU ( nothing to do with ECU) who could not afford another mast to continue his regatta but he is a coach. He was full of useful local knowedge.
Wind was 10-12 knots but increased to 14-15knots and was in its usual direction. Tide was pushing up the course which explains the BFD's . We had an ok day with little damage.. pity poor Ricardo ITA had two BFD's , one OCS and two protests and he only has eight boats here .
Ice cream time
Ice cream for sailors and beer for bosun's before the damage reports come in .. so far Matt Foz said "worst day I have ever had BFD and broken trapeze wire" that's what happens when Dad splices your trapeze wires.. Toby and Matt BFD.. Harry and Tom's rudder stock repair has held..James and Tim being protested and Ed and Tim are questioning FRA on why they are protesting them? Mike and Hermione could not catch their favourite CHI boat. ECU girls were out so story on their mast be wrong our source Neil obviously not reliable .
At the moment we have no major repairs .. but the wind is building and the predicted storm is coming .. can we get out of the boat park before the rain
At the moment we have no major repairs .. but the wind is building and the predicted storm is coming .. can we get out of the boat park before the rain
Ready for Day 5
Waiting in the dinghy park to go racing . More photographs in the album. Foz's first job was to help Harry and Tom repair their rudder stock which was cracked and all spares used. Thankfully Harry's dad had insisted he always carry a "useless" piece of metal which Foz found just right as a brace - sorted. Jonny and Neil had fill the fuel tanks (no smoking around the containers ). Annabel and Megan discovered that their broken mast had been completely stripped of its extras including spreaders (sorry Robert) it might have been Selden desperate for spares.
ECU 's Juan has jumped on our RIB to go and watch the racing. Their team cannot afford to buy another mast so they have dropped out of the competition. We did offer them one of our less bent ones but they declined. Alberto from naughtyvela was having similar issues with THA who have damaged two masts , two mains and a rudder and their insurance was being iffy about paying .
Boys set off in 15 knots through the binoculars flat wiring in a moderate chop. Looks like about 10 black flag boats hanging around after several attempts to start. Girls seemed to get away cleanly.
........more news soon
ECU 's Juan has jumped on our RIB to go and watch the racing. Their team cannot afford to buy another mast so they have dropped out of the competition. We did offer them one of our less bent ones but they declined. Alberto from naughtyvela was having similar issues with THA who have damaged two masts , two mains and a rudder and their insurance was being iffy about paying .
Boys set off in 15 knots through the binoculars flat wiring in a moderate chop. Looks like about 10 black flag boats hanging around after several attempts to start. Girls seemed to get away cleanly.
........more news soon
Day 5
Same routine today as all the other days fitness followed by breakfast , briefing and the boat park.. more fingers to plaster up Jo's combination of ISR sticky stuff and electrical tape managed to survive the two races.
Everyone would like less wind so they can show off their light wind skills that's if they can remember them ..
Coaches would like a new wind direction its a steady 120 .. but we must not complain its two more race days and four races to go and the weather forecast is rain on wednesday something we have not seen at all.
Yesterday we met Cedric the FRA coach who is bringing 15 of his sailors to Weymouth 19th-25th Feb hopefully to do some training with our guys ..Ricardo is also coming to the UK and would like to add some ITA style to our training .
Thanks for all the emails of support. I keep reading them out to the team.. Hope Blanes gets some wind today would you like some of ours ?? not sure I am ready to change sails for engine yet but thanks for the offer
The blog spelling could improve now that after 2 weeks Carla has finally found how the spell check works !!
Monday, 3 January 2011
We all go back for an early bath - Good Day
All Brits safely back in the dinghy park and only a broken rudder stock
Andy Foz is a happy chap having an early beer at 5.30!
Other teams not so lucky. The mast tally now stands at 29.
ITA girls were distracted by ARG boys having a pee off the back of his boat on the ladies start line only to capsize, break the mast and miss the start. "What was he doing there" says Ricardo
GER Jens Marten, leading German, broke his luff wire ending his day. As a result of this and Tim & Ed's rudder stock breakage, Mike and Hermione move up 2 places.
Annabel and Megan owe us a team ice having achieved the first GBR bullet and retain 2nd in the Ladies.
More protests today, Ed & Tim and the Chilean team discussed an incident amicably but decided to shake hands for the sake of a place as against risking a DSQ.
Andy Foz is a happy chap having an early beer at 5.30!
Other teams not so lucky. The mast tally now stands at 29.
ITA girls were distracted by ARG boys having a pee off the back of his boat on the ladies start line only to capsize, break the mast and miss the start. "What was he doing there" says Ricardo
GER Jens Marten, leading German, broke his luff wire ending his day. As a result of this and Tim & Ed's rudder stock breakage, Mike and Hermione move up 2 places.
Annabel and Megan owe us a team ice having achieved the first GBR bullet and retain 2nd in the Ladies.
More protests today, Ed & Tim and the Chilean team discussed an incident amicably but decided to shake hands for the sake of a place as against risking a DSQ.
Race Day 4
Its 13:15 and the ladies fleet are off first half way up the 1st beat. Looks about 15kts SE with tide against the current so not too much flow and therefore waves not too big.
All boats back together and sorted, though Kat and Charlotte cut it fine having to fit a new rig this morning after letting the repair to their mast gate dry last night.
Saw a few clouds for the first time this morning and with the forecast of light showers we thought the wind would remain steady. But the sun's out now and back to 30 deg so it may build again as has been the pattern in the afternoon.
Lets hope they stay upright today as we are all running out of fresh aluminum!
Allegedly the current price that the Argentinians are charging for a new Kappa mast is 1300 Euros!
The charterers, Nautivela, are reputedly refusing to issue any more masts because of problems with insurance.
Ricardo says 19 masts broke yesterday plus our 2.
The coaches had problems getting fuel again. The first garage had run out. The next said 20L max until they bribed him with 30 pesos to fill all the tanks. In the process, whilst walking with the tanks, Jonny was assaulted (as opposed to threatened this time) by a passer by. Kicked in the leg by a homeless chap who we think was protecting his cardboard box.
.......more later
15:00 Race 2 looks at least 18kts and big waves. Two Italian boats retired with broken/bent masts, the Italian team manager lamenting on his 10 breakages says "we need a magician". Two Brazilians and a Chilean also in with problems. Swiss girls look to be on the way in if they can get past MSC Uganda..
.....more soon
All boats back together and sorted, though Kat and Charlotte cut it fine having to fit a new rig this morning after letting the repair to their mast gate dry last night.
Saw a few clouds for the first time this morning and with the forecast of light showers we thought the wind would remain steady. But the sun's out now and back to 30 deg so it may build again as has been the pattern in the afternoon.
Lets hope they stay upright today as we are all running out of fresh aluminum!
Allegedly the current price that the Argentinians are charging for a new Kappa mast is 1300 Euros!
The charterers, Nautivela, are reputedly refusing to issue any more masts because of problems with insurance.
Ricardo says 19 masts broke yesterday plus our 2.
The coaches had problems getting fuel again. The first garage had run out. The next said 20L max until they bribed him with 30 pesos to fill all the tanks. In the process, whilst walking with the tanks, Jonny was assaulted (as opposed to threatened this time) by a passer by. Kicked in the leg by a homeless chap who we think was protecting his cardboard box.
.......more later
15:00 Race 2 looks at least 18kts and big waves. Two Italian boats retired with broken/bent masts, the Italian team manager lamenting on his 10 breakages says "we need a magician". Two Brazilians and a Chilean also in with problems. Swiss girls look to be on the way in if they can get past MSC Uganda..
.....more soon
Day 4
After all yesterday's excitement the Race Committee have decided that we should start earlier today so racing starts 13.00hrs which is 16.00hrs UK time but only two races and hopefully slightly less wind .
The morning routine has been cut short and briefing will be at 09.00hrs in the office aka Carla's room. There are some rippped hands from yesterday so plenty of plasters and electrical tape needed, a few tears of frustration and some smiles.
Toby and Matt were very pleased with their day yesterday and felt it was coming together for them . Hannah and Issy were not so pleased, they had two capsizes one before the start and hence the DNS but Hannah knows she checked her watch so they are challenging it. Annabel and Megan capsized too and then had to cut their spinaker sheets and halyard because it was all such a mess but got back to 15th. They were lying 2nd when it happened .James and Tim broke their rudder and bent the pintle hence the DNC. Charlotte and Kat capsized and with Jonny on standby got themselves back up and then while Kat was putting the rudder back on it fell in the water and the ARG safety boat picked it up and then dissappeared with it across the race course leaving them unable to sail ( something about a NZL boat when we spoke to him later) and Jonny with the problem of how to get them home and then they capsized again and this time the mast went . They were almost last home and we thought we had lost Jonny and them .Jonny was steaming when he came in.
The boat park was very busy last night with a variety of views on the day . Like us most teams , had good not so good and disastrous. Le Maitre France's leading girl scored three firsts yesterday putting her in the lead but even she had a moment when the initial results went up and she had scored a second BFD. Some of our guys had a moment too when Rosie announced that Mike Hermione, Tim and Ed and Jess and Georgie had allscored OSC .. what she was reading was the equipment check sheet !!! to quote Hermione " such an idiot"
The GRE coach thought that it was awful that so few boats put up their kites and Alex the measurer thought it was courageous that anyone did. Alex was seen in only his pocketed waistcoat on the water and this thought " not necessary " by some of our sailors . We think the mast breakage tally is up to 20 and I have heard it said that Selden have shipped 60 in just in case . I have also heard it said that at this level the sailors should know how to avoid breaking their masts . Obviously they dont.
The morning routine has been cut short and briefing will be at 09.00hrs in the office aka Carla's room. There are some rippped hands from yesterday so plenty of plasters and electrical tape needed, a few tears of frustration and some smiles.
Toby and Matt were very pleased with their day yesterday and felt it was coming together for them . Hannah and Issy were not so pleased, they had two capsizes one before the start and hence the DNS but Hannah knows she checked her watch so they are challenging it. Annabel and Megan capsized too and then had to cut their spinaker sheets and halyard because it was all such a mess but got back to 15th. They were lying 2nd when it happened .James and Tim broke their rudder and bent the pintle hence the DNC. Charlotte and Kat capsized and with Jonny on standby got themselves back up and then while Kat was putting the rudder back on it fell in the water and the ARG safety boat picked it up and then dissappeared with it across the race course leaving them unable to sail ( something about a NZL boat when we spoke to him later) and Jonny with the problem of how to get them home and then they capsized again and this time the mast went . They were almost last home and we thought we had lost Jonny and them .Jonny was steaming when he came in.
The boat park was very busy last night with a variety of views on the day . Like us most teams , had good not so good and disastrous. Le Maitre France's leading girl scored three firsts yesterday putting her in the lead but even she had a moment when the initial results went up and she had scored a second BFD. Some of our guys had a moment too when Rosie announced that Mike Hermione, Tim and Ed and Jess and Georgie had allscored OSC .. what she was reading was the equipment check sheet !!! to quote Hermione " such an idiot"
The GRE coach thought that it was awful that so few boats put up their kites and Alex the measurer thought it was courageous that anyone did. Alex was seen in only his pocketed waistcoat on the water and this thought " not necessary " by some of our sailors . We think the mast breakage tally is up to 20 and I have heard it said that Selden have shipped 60 in just in case . I have also heard it said that at this level the sailors should know how to avoid breaking their masts . Obviously they dont.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Tough day in the office
Its 10.00pm here and I am the only one back.. Foz and granny Foz were catching some supper Pete was mending a boat and Neil and Jonny were just setting out on their fuel walk when I left at 9.00pm..However as I correct my spelling Jonny and Neil have walked in to say that the petrol station closed as they walked in .. frustration or what ..
We have worked out that we only have two GBR boats that has not capsized so far Tim and Ed and Matt and Adam .Our tally so far is six masts , six slot gaskets, seven spinnakers, three mains, one damaged centreboard , one broken rudder stock , three replaced spinnaker poles and one replacement crew, two hull holes and foredeck repair .
Three races were done today . It started fine 14 knots and then by the third race Jonny recorded 28 knots and there was carnage .Only three boys put their kites up on the reach and no girls. The GRE coach not happy about that . Alex the measurer was impressed by those who did .
We have worked out that we only have two GBR boats that has not capsized so far Tim and Ed and Matt and Adam .Our tally so far is six masts , six slot gaskets, seven spinnakers, three mains, one damaged centreboard , one broken rudder stock , three replaced spinnaker poles and one replacement crew, two hull holes and foredeck repair .
Foz and Ricardo discussing the day's damage |
Unlike Friday we have come off better than most teams . The Germans had five boats out of action and have run out of masts, the ITA and FRA have damage. We have one bent mast Eleni and Henriette who also went through two mains and Charlotte and Kat who had a baptism of fire and lost their mast after they lost their rudder . Jonny did a mercy dash for Eleni's main and Sarah and Katie gave her spare rudder to the team.
Charlotte and Kat |
Nino and Alex discusing the day |
Dinghy Park Day 3
The team arrived early in the dinghy park to rig and check boats ahead of three hard races scheduled today. Replacement centreboards were measured and batten pockets stitched. We got the measurement certificates back from the chief measurer and 3 boats have had their certified weights altered having been underweight and reweighed.
Congratulations to Annabelle and Megan who were presented with the yellow bibs as leaders of the Ladies Championship.
So the sailors have topped up the carbs and fluids and are sunblocked-up and launching now in what looks about 12 knots but we are expecting the thermal enhancement to kick in by race time.
Annabelle and Megan leading ladies receive the yellow bibs |
So the sailors have topped up the carbs and fluids and are sunblocked-up and launching now in what looks about 12 knots but we are expecting the thermal enhancement to kick in by race time.
Last night the coaches found out an amendment to the SI's had been published and the plan is to do three races today . Jo is wondering if her arms will survive ..
We are at the point when we have a series of minor niggles as sailors are getting tired and worn out .. Sarah got confused about where she had lost her phone ( in Megan and Annabels room ) . Ben G has a sore nose, Harry had an argument with a loo seat and the loo seat won.. But the good thing is that in this Hotel we get clean sheets very day .. what luxury is that .. but after finding this room yesterday clearly random room inspection is not working so room tzar will be on the prowl again. The cash seems to be going ok although how some sailors spend all the money and seem to have plenty I dont really know. The best value sems to be to eat at the club Andy, Carla, Jonny and Neil had supper for just over 100 pesos including a beer each at £5 a head. Coffee, icecreams, soft drinks are all about 8 pesos
Yesterday afternoon Jonny took out the RIB so Charlotte Fitz and Kat could get a feel of the conditions and Mike Wood took Neil as his gash crew , (Hermione was under serious orders to rest and grow four inches and put on 10kgs ie to become Ben G ) .The conditions were such that we would not have been racing . FRA were out training as well and the leading FRA girls Le Maitre broke her mast .
Back to the routine today fitness at 8am , breakfast at 9 and briefing at 10 in the office before hitting the boat park. Annabel and Megan will be in the yucky yellow bibs today..
Back to the routine today fitness at 8am , breakfast at 9 and briefing at 10 in the office before hitting the boat park. Annabel and Megan will be in the yucky yellow bibs today..
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Lay Day Fun
For some it was a day of rest with a bit of retail therapy and ice cream to help chill out.Some took the opportunity to Skype home.
Others managed to do a bit of cultural sight seeing and ventured to the Cemeterio de la Recoleta, the City of the Dead, where marbled mausoleums hold the remains of the city's most elite sector of society including Evita.
For the petrol heads it was the start of the Dakar Rally just 2 blocks from our hotel. Arguably you could see more on the TV, but the atmosphere was worth experiencing.
For the petrol heads it was the start of the Dakar Rally just 2 blocks from our hotel. Arguably you could see more on the TV, but the atmosphere was worth experiencing.
New years eve dinner
Some pictures from last night . Each table was challenged to come up with three stories only two of which would be true and challenge the other tables to work out which was the false one. Some of the stories are unrepeatable but the over 18 won and their untruth was that someone on their table had flirted with a member of the same sex to get what they wanted.. nobody got it right .. the true story of the night came from the canadians who told us that one of their table had gaffer taped their Headmaster to a wall and which allowed them to go and clingfilm the heads car.. this was too extreme for any of our sailors who did not believe them so did not gues right . Glad to see the canadians are not such nice boys and are holding up the 420 traditions with style .My spies who went down to the YCA to check out the party tell me that there was loads of alcohol and the champagne was flowing freely . Think the managment made the right decision.
Coaches Day off
When Charlotte Fitz arrives and is ready Jonny will be taking her and Kat out for a short coaching session. In the meantime Jonny is updating Neils computer skills ..that will be a challenge
Jonny showing Neil how to upload the fish video this morning and the four attempts to upload Amy and Rosie video |
Jonny and Neil in highway at 00.30hrs |
the obelisk |
Dakar start point |
Gasket Girls downwind!
Just incase you wondered we are at a sailing event!! Amy Seabright & Rosie Sibthorp heading to the start of race 3, the 4th attempt of a slot gasket and it has finally stayed on. For anyone with a naughtyvela you must attach a thin very flexible mylar gasket and not the standard Blue Blue ones, this is due to the narrow recess on the naughtyvela. The italians told us they had to change them daily in Israel in the heat (maybe time for mould change Alberto?)
Extreme Fishing with Neil Marsden
This is the Argentinian take on the Killer Shrimp...sorry Grafham you have been out done!
yesterdays canarge
Happy New Year
Three hours after your celebrations we had ours with a canadian new year in between.
As ever the 420 fleet got its dressing up priorities right and turned up for dinner in style but some Argetinian hotel guests put even us in the shade check those shoes . We went for a three course dinner with no wine for those under 18 in our parent hotel and were joined by the canadian team Jon and Arthur ( the twins) and their familes and coach and his family.
After dinner the sailors were given a curfew and the mangement were pleased to say that the sailors came down to to get themselves ticked off the list .RESULT !!
the girls |
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