Tuesday, 4 January 2011


All the team got home before the rain except Carla who had to stay for Nino's team leader briefing which was about the new 420 download produced by the GRE Nikos Drougkas , the number of mast breakages and black flags

Jonny now tells me that the coach on Neil's boat was the sailor from URU ( nothing to do with ECU) who could not afford another mast to continue his regatta but he is a coach. He was full of useful local knowedge.

Wind was 10-12 knots but increased to 14-15knots and was in its usual direction. Tide was pushing up the course which explains the BFD's . We had an ok day with little damage.. pity poor Ricardo ITA had two BFD's , one OCS and two protests and he only has eight boats here .

1 comment:

  1. Neil, Jonny, thank youn guys for letting me watch your work with your kids. It was for me an excellent experience, I larn a lot with all the team.
    I hope we will see you in future events
    I will try to post the videos y took in my blog, uy420.wordpress.com

    Juan from Uruguay
