Monday, 3 January 2011

We all go back for an early bath - Good Day

All Brits safely back in the dinghy park and only a broken rudder stock
Andy Foz is a happy chap having an early beer at 5.30!
Other teams not so lucky. The mast tally now stands at 29.
ITA girls were distracted by ARG boys having a pee off the back of his boat on the ladies start line only to capsize, break the mast and miss the start. "What was he doing there" says Ricardo
GER Jens Marten, leading German, broke his luff wire ending his day. As a result of this and Tim & Ed's rudder stock breakage, Mike and Hermione move up 2 places.
Annabel  and Megan owe us a team ice having achieved the first GBR bullet and retain 2nd in the Ladies.
More protests today, Ed & Tim and the Chilean team discussed an incident amicably but decided to shake hands for the sake of a place as against risking a DSQ.

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